Appointments are recommended
Walk-Ins: Customers arriving without an appointment will be accomodated when/if possible;
We do not have time or staff allocated specifically for accomodating Walk-Ins. We have limited waiting space inside, if you bring a group with you, they might have to wait elsewhere; there is a coffe shop, public garden (815 W Roscoe), and other establishments nearby.Parking:
Metered Parking is usualy available nearby on Halsted St and adjacent sidestreets, availilibity is usually limited on Sundays. Sidestreet metered parking is free on Sundays. Sidestreets require permits after evening hours and availbility is usually limited. Garage paid parking is available at 3224 N Halsted.
Transit:We are a 8-12 min walk from the Red/Brown/Purple line station at Belmont.
We have always strived to be the leader in clenliness of our barber services. In addition to standard methods of cleaning equipment, we use UV sanitizers to provide an additonal level of sanitation.
We always use fresh linens, including a fresh cape for each customer.